1. Kaplan D. M. andKwan S. K. (Editors),The Future of High-Sensitivity Charm Experiments, Proceedings of the CHARM2000 Workshop, Fermilab, June 7–9, 1994, FERMILAB-Conf-94/190 (1994). For information on the workshop and copies of the papers, see the Charm2000 WWW Home Page at http://fnphyx-www.fnal.gov/conferences/ftp-home/charm2000.
2. Bigi I. I. A QCD treatment of the weak decays of heavy flavour hadrons—without voodoo or undue incantations, presented at theInternational Workshop on B Physics, Nagoya, 1994, UND-HEP-95-BIG01, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9501418 (1995); this issue, p. 713.
3. Appel J. A.,Experimental issues in high-sensitivity charm experiments, inThe Future of High-Sensitivity Charm Experiments, Proceedings of the CHARM2000 Workshop, Fermilab, June 7–9 1994, FERMILAB-Conf-94/190 (1994), p. 1.
4. Kaplan D. M. andPapavassiliou V.,An ultrahigh statistics charm experiment for the year (about) 2000, presented at theLAFEX International School on High Energy Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1995, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9505002 (1995).
5. Cooper P., private communication.