1. OECD, 2001, Environmental Outlook Report 2001, http://www.oecd.org/ data-oecd/51/6/2088589.pdf (visited 10th October, 2003).
2. DEFRA, 2003, Municipal Waste Management Survey 2001/02, Summary www.defra.gov.uk/environment/ statistics/wastats/mwb0102/wbsummary.htm (visited 10th October 2003).
3. Biffa, 2002, Future Perfect, An analysis of Britain's waste production and disposal account, with implications for industry and government of the next twenty years, ISBN 0–952-3922–3-2, p44, www.biffa.co.uk.
4. Gertsakis et al., 2000, Industrial Ecology and extended producer responsibility, A handbook of Industrial Ecology, Elgar E, Cheltenham, pp 521–529.
5. ICER, 2000, UK Status Report on Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Industry Council for E&E Equipment Recycling (ICER), London.