1. R. Blaskenbecler et al.: SLAC-PUB-1518 (1975);
2. J. F. Gunion : Phys. Rev. D, 10, 242 (1974);
3. G. Chu and J. F. Gunion: Phys. Rev. D, 10, 3672 (1974). See also, G. H. Farrar: Kuch Phys., 77 B, 429 (1974).
4. R. P. Feynman: in Proceedings of the Fifth Hawaii Topical Conference in Particle Physics, 1973, edited y P. N. Dobson jr., V. Z. Peterson and S. F. Tuan (Honolulu, H., 1974), p. 3.
5. J. D. Bjorken; J. Physique, 34, 385 (1973).