1. Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,Stockpiling, and the Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, United States Central and Disarmament Agency, Washington, D.C., 1993.
2. Rybal’chenko, I.V., Tsekhmister, V.I., and Kireev, A.F.,Zh. Ros. Khim. O-va im. D.I. Mendeleeva, 1994, vol. 38, p. 13.
3. Kireev, A.F., Kholstov, V.I., Rodyushkina, E.B., Rybalchenko, I.V., and Suvorkin, V.N.,Proc. 1st Singapore Int. Symp. on Protection Against Toxic Chemicals (SIS-PAT), Singapore, 1988.
4. Note by the Director-General: Revised Standard Operation Procedure for Evaluation of the Results of OPCW Proficiency Tests, Hague: OPCW, Technical Secretariat, 1998.
5. First Official Inter-Laboratory Proficiency Test, Hague: OPCW, Technical Secretariat, 1997, vols. 1 and 2.