1. Bauer, F. L.: On the definition of condition numbers and on their relation to closed methods for solving linear systems. International Congress Information Processing 1959 (Unesco Paris). München: Oldenbourg. S. 109?110. 1960
2. Bauer, F. L.: Error Analysis of Elimination Methods. Internal Report, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Mainz University; 1960.
3. Bauer, F. L.: Optimal scaling of matrices and the importance of the minimal condition. Lecture, IFIP-Congress Munich 1962.
4. ?: On the Field of Values Subordinate to a Norm. Num. Math.4, 103?113 (1962).
5. ?:, andA. S. Householder: Some inequalities involving the euclidean condition of a matrix. Num. Math.2, 308?311 (1960).