Radiative decays of heavy-light mesons and the $$ {f}_{H,{H}^{\ast },{H}_1}^{(T)} $$ decay constants


Pullin Ben,Zwicky Roman


Abstract The on-shell matrix elements, or couplings $$ {g}_{H{H}^{\ast}\left({H}_1\right)\upgamma} $$ g H H H 1 γ , describing the $$ B{(D)}_q^{\ast } $$ B D q B(D)qγ and B1qBqγ (q = u, d, s) radiative decays, are determined from light-cone sum rules at next-to-leading order for the first time. Two different interpolating operators are used for the vector meson, providing additional robustness to our results. For the D*-meson, where some rates are experimentally known, agreement is found. The couplings are of additional interest as they govern the lowest pole residue in the B(D) → γ form factors which in turn are connected to QED-corrections in leptonic decays B(D) → $$ \overline{\nu} $$ ν ¯ . Since the couplings and residues are related by the decay constants $$ {f}_{H^{\ast}\left({H}_1\right)} $$ f H H 1 and $$ {f}_{H^{\ast}\left({H}_1\right)}^T $$ f H H 1 T , we determine them at next-leading order as a by-product. The quantities $$ \left\{{f}_{H^{\ast}}^T,{f}_{H_1}^T\right\} $$ f H T f H 1 T have not previously been subjected to a QCD sum rule determination. All results are compared with the existing experimental and theoretical literature.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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