1. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). 2006.Guide for Vessels Operating in Low Temperature Environments. Houston: ABS.
2. Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules. 2002.Regulation for the Strengthening and Design of Ships for Navigation in Ice. Finnish Maritime Administration.
3. Conachey, R., E. Legland, G. Wang and C. Baker. 2007. Winterization Guidelines for Vessels Operating in Arctic Waters.Lloyd’s Maritime Academy Seminar on Risk Management in Ice Navigation, 25 and 26 January.
4. Hänninen, S. 2004. Ice Related Damages of Ships in the Baltic Sea, Winters 2003 and 2004.Unpublished memorandum by Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 15 December.
5. Hänninen, S. 2005. Incidents and Accidents in Winter Navigation in the Baltic Sea, Winter 2002–2003.Winter Navigation Research Board, Research Report No. 54, Helsinki, 39 p.