1. 1894Hey: C. T. Heycock and J. Neville, “Freezing Points of Alloys in Which the Solvent is Thallium”,J. Chem. Soc., 65, 33 (1894). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)
2. Indicates key paper.05Lev: M. Levin, “Gold-Thallium Alloys”,Z. Anorg. Chem., 45, 31–38 (1905) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)
3. 46Rau: E. Raub and A. Engel, “Retrograde Saturation Curves Resulted from Precipitation of Alloys from Melts”,Z. Metallkd., 37, 76–81 (1946) in German. (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)
4. 48Haj: O. Hajicek, “Binary Alloys Containing a Eutectic”,Hutn. Listy, 3, 265–270 (1948) in Czech. (Equi Diagram; Compilation)
5. Indicates key paper.51Kle: O. J. Kleppa, “A Thermodynamic Study of Liquid Metallic Solutions. III. The Systems Bismuth-Gold and Thallium-Gold”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73, 385–390 (1951). (Thermo; Experimental)