1. T. Goldenberg, T. D. Lee, and J. P. Hirth:Met. Trans. A, 1978, vol. 9A, p. 1663.
2. T. D. Lee, T. Goldenberg, and J. P. Hirth:Met. Trans. A, in press.
3. P. Bastien and P. Azou:Proc First World Met. Cong., p. 535, ASM, Metals Park, Ohio, 1951.
4. R. P. Frohmberg, W. J. Barnett, and A. R. Troiano:Trans. ASM, 1955, vol. 47, p. 892.
5. E. P. Kher, B. B. Muvdi, and G. Sachs:Trans. AIME, 1957, vol. 209, p. 106.