1. D. P. Anderson et al., ?Abstractions for Continuous Media in a Network Window System,?International Conference on Multimedia Information Systems, 1991.
2. D. P. Anderson and G. Homsy, ?A Continuous Media I/O Server and its Synchronisation Mechanism,?Computer Vol. 24(10), October, 1991.
3. J. Bates, ?Presentation Support for Distributed Multimedia Applications,?Ph.D. thesis (and technical report #341), Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1994.
4. J. Bates and J. Bacon, ?A Development Platform for Distributed Multimedia Applications,?Proceeding of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Boston, 1994.
5. Bellcore Information Networking Research Laboratory, ?Touring Machine System,?Communications of the ACM, January, 1993.