1. Barber, N. F., and F. Ursell, [1948]: The generation and propagation of ocean waves and swell, I. Wave periods and velocities. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London,240, pp. 527.
2. Blackman, R. B., and J. W. Tukey, [1958]: The measurement of power spectra from the point of view of communications engineering. Parts I and II. Bell System Techn. J., Jan. 1958, Mar. 1958. (Also available in book form from Dover Publications, Inc., New York.)
3. Bretschneider, C. L., 1959: Wave variability and wave spectra for wind generated gravity waves. Techn. Memor. No. 118, Beach Erosion Bd. Corps Engnrs.
4. Darbyshire, J., [1955]: An investigation of storm waves in the North Atlantic Ocean. Proc. Roy. Soc. A,230, 560.
5. Darbyshire, J., [1957]: A note on the comparison of proposed wave spectrum formulae. Dt. Hydrogr. Z.,10, 184.