1. J.J. Henn and J.A. Barclay:U.S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ., no. 8450, 1970.
2. F.R. Hartley: 8th Commonwealth Min. Metall. Congr. Australia and New Zealand, 1965;Australas. Inst. Min. Metall., 1967, vol. 6, pp. 1373-86.
3. W.B. Pings:Colo. Sch. Mies Ind. Bull., 1972, vol. 15 (4), p. 13; (5), p. 17.
4. J.A. Milner:U.S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ., no. 7791, 1957.
5. R.H. Walsh, H.W. Hockin, D.R. Brandt, P.L. Dietz, and R.R. Girardot:Trans. AIME, 1960, vol. 218, pp. 994–1003.