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3. R. Vogel and T. Heumann, “Contribution to the Knowledgeof the Metals and Alloysof the Rare Earths,”Z. Metallkd.,35,29–42 (1943) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
4. A. Iandelli, “The Physical Chemistry of Metallic Solutions and Intermetallic Compounds,” Natl. Phys. Lab., Great Britain, Proc. Symp. No. 9, Vol. I, paper 3F, 11 pp (1959). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
5. W. Jeitschko and E. Parthé, “Stannides and Plumbidesof Sc, Y,La and Ce withD88 Structure,”Acta Crystallogr.,19,275–277 (1965). (Crys Structure; Experimental)