1. De Larrard, F., ‘A method for proportioning high-strength concrete mixtures’,Cem. Concr. Aggregates 12 (1) 1990 47–52.
2. Concrete Technology: New trends, Industrial applications;P.-C. Aïtcin,1994
3. ASTM, ‘Standard test method for flow of grout for preplacedaggregate concrete (flow cone method)’, C 939-87, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1987.
4. De Larrard, F., Bosc, F., Catherine, C. and Deflorenne, F., ‘La nouvelle méthode des coulis de l'AFREM pour la formulation des bétons à hautes performances’,Bulletin des laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées 202 (1996) 61–69; also ‘The AFREM method for the mix-design of high-performance concrete’,Mater. Struct,30 (201) (1997) 439–446.
5. Proc. Fourth Intnl. Symp. on Utilization of High Strength/High Performance Concrete;B. Toralles-Carbonari,1996