1. D. J. Wortman, R. E. Fryxell, and I.I. Bessen:Proceedings of the Third Conf. on Gas Turbine Materials in a Marine Environment, session V, paper 11, pp. 1-11, sponsored by U.S. Naval Ship Engineering Center and U. K. Ship Department, held at the University of Bath, England, September 1976, available from U. S. Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 05231, Washington, DC.
2. R. H. Barkalow and F. S. Pettit: inHigh Temperature Metal Halide Chemistry, D. L. Hildenbrand and D. D. Cubicciotti, eds., The Electrochemical Society, Princeton, NJ, 1978, p. 617.
3. P. Hancock: inHigh Temperature Metal Halide Chemistry, D. L. Hildenbrand and D.D. Cubicciotti, eds., The Electrochemical Society, Princeton, NJ, 1978, p. 645.
4. D. A. Shores, K. L. Luthra, and D. W. McKee: inHigh Temperature Metal Halide Chemistry, D. L. Hildenbrand and D. D. Cubicciotti, eds., The Electrochemical Society, Princeton, NJ, 1978, p. 538.
5. D.W. McKee, D.A. Shores, and K. L. Luthra:J. Electrochemical Society, 1978, vol. 125, pp. 411–19.