The Cogito, Dreamt Characters, and Unreal Existence


Turp Michael-JohnORCID


Abstract Borges’ The Circular Ruins tells the story of a magician who turns out to be a character in a dream. Leibowitz (2021) argues that this scenario undermines the rational indubitability of Descartes’ Cogito. The magician, he argues, is an unreal appearance and therefore does not exist. I argue that Borges drew a distinction between reality and existence and that he was right to do so. There are various senses of reality and the sense in which a dreamt character is unreal poses no threat to their existence or to the indubitability of the Cogito. The magician is unreal because he is a mind-dependent, illusory and fake. Nonetheless, he can be certain that he thinks, therefore he is.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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5. Descartes, R. (1984–5). The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Volumes I & II (J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff, & D. Murdoch Eds.). Cambridge University Press.







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