Collision Resistance from Multi-collision Resistance


Rothblum Ron D.ORCID,Vasudevan Prashant NaliniORCID


AbstractCollision-resistant hash functions ($$\textsf{CRH}$$ CRH ) are a fundamental and ubiquitous cryptographic primitive. Several recent works have studied a relaxation of $$\textsf{CRH}$$ CRH called t-way multi-collision-resistant hash functions ($$t\text {-}\textsf{MCRH}$$ t - MCRH ). These are families of functions for which it is computationally hard to find a t-way collision, even though such collisions are abundant (and even $$(t-1)$$ ( t - 1 ) -way collisions may be easy to find). The case of $$t=2$$ t = 2 corresponds to standard $$\textsf{CRH}$$ CRH , but it is natural to study t-$$\textsf{MCRH}$$ MCRH for larger values of t. Multi-collision resistance seems to be a qualitatively weaker property than standard collision resistance. Nevertheless, in this work we show a non-blackbox transformation of any moderately shrinking t-$$\textsf{MCRH}$$ MCRH , for $$t \in \{3,4\}$$ t { 3 , 4 } , into an (infinitely often secure) $$\textsf{CRH}$$ CRH . This transformation is non-constructive—we can prove the existence of a $$\textsf{CRH}$$ CRH but cannot explicitly point out a construction. Our result partially extends to larger values of t. In particular, we show that for suitable values of $$t>t'$$ t > t , we can transform a t-$$\textsf{MCRH}$$ MCRH into a $$t'$$ t -$$\textsf{MCRH}$$ MCRH , at the cost of reducing the shrinkage of the resulting hash function family and settling for infinitely often security. This result utilizes the list-decodability properties of Reed–Solomon codes.


Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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