1. There Can Be No Accurate ?Fit? of an Educational System to a Society Anderson, C. A., ?The Influence of Societal Characteristics within the School,? in D. Super (ed.),Cross-National Conference at Lake Mohonk, New York (processed 1967).
2. There Can Be No Accurate ?Fit? of an Educational System to a Society Suttles, G. D.,The Social Order of the Slum. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968.
3. ?Educational Distributions? are Important Characteristics of Social Collectivities Duncan, B., ?Trends in Output and Distribution of Schooling?, in Sheldon, E. B. and Moore, W. E.,Indicators of Social Change. New York: Russell Sage, 1968.
4. ?Educational Distributions? are Important Characteristics of Social Collectivities Dentier, R. A. and Warshauer, M. E.,Big City Dropouts and Illiterates. New York: Praeger, 1968.
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