1. J. Viegas and U. Blum, ?High Speed Railways in Europe?, in D. Banister and J. Berechman, eds.,Transport in a Unified Europe (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1993), 75?90.
2. I. Holliday, G. Marcou and R. Vickerman,The Channel Tunnel: Public Policy, Regional Development and European Integration (London: Belhaven Press, 1991), cited at 190.
3. For a comprehensive and fascinating discussion of the use of metaphors, particularly as they relate to law, see B.J. Hibbitts, ?Making Sense of Metaphors: Visuality, Aurality and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse?,Cardozo Law Review 16/1 (1995), in press.
4. H. K. Bhabha,The Location of Culture (London: Routledge, 1994), 171.
5. Supra n.6, at 141.