1. K. Watanabe and Y. Higashi, ASME Paper No. 86-WA/HT-72, presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME, Anaheim, Calif. Dec. (1986).
2. Y. Takaishi and K. Watanabe,Trans. JAR 3:123 (1986) (in Japanese).
3. K. Watanabe,Proc. 18th Int. Symp. Heat Mass Transfer Refrig. Cryogen., J. Bougard and N. Afgan, eds. (Hemisphere, Washington, D.C., 1987), pp. 343?368.
4. K. Watanabe,Proc. JAR Int. Symp. Recent Dev. Heat Pump Technol., 1988, S. Hotani and T. Saito, eds. (Japanese Association of Refrigeration, Tokyo, 1988), pp. 99?111.
5. Japanese Association of Refrigeration,Report on Research and Survey of Heat Pump Technology (JAR, Tokyo, 1987), pp. 1?339 (in Japanese).