1. P. W. Anderson:Phys. Rev.,109, 123 (1958).
2. F. Yonezawa:Problems in amorphous semiconductor, A talk delivered at Kanazawa University (November 1978). The has introduced other measure of localization in addition to entropy, but not discussed due to the lack of time. A preprint is not yet available in the time of writing of this paper.
3. T. Shimizu: a private communication. The author is indebted to him for enlightning discussions on amorphous physics.
4. W. Marciano andH. Pagels:Phys. Report.,36 C, 137 (1978).
5. H. D. Politzer:Phys. Rev. Lett.,30, 1346 (1973);D. Gross andF. Wilczek:Phys. Rev. Lett.,30, 1343 (1973).