1. S. Kartha and P. Grimes, Physics Today, Nov. (1994) 54.
2. “Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, editors. M. Dokiya, O. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa and S. C. Singhal, The Electrochemical Soc., INC., 10 South Main St., Pennington, 1995.
3. B. Heed, B. Zhu, B.-E. Mellander and A. Lundén, Solid State Ionics46, 121 (1991).
4. A.F. Sammells, R.L. Cook, J.H. White, J.J. Osborne and R.C. MacDuff, Solid State Ionics52, 111 (1992).
5. see e.g. i) M. Gödickemeier, K. Sasaki and L.J. Gauckler in “Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, editors. M. Dokiya, O. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa and S.C. Singhal, The Electrochemical Soc., INC., 10 South Main St., Pennington, 1995, pp 1072; and ii) F. P. F. Van Berkel, G. M. Christie, F. H. van Heuveln and J. P. Huijsmans, ibid, pp 1062.