1. S. V. Radcliffe and E. B. Kula: Deformation, Transformation, and Strength; Proceedings of the Ninth Sagamore Ordnance Materials Research Conference, to be published.
2. V. N. Krivobok and A. M. Talbot: Effect of Temperature on the Mechanical Properties, Characteristics, and Processing of Austenitic Stainless Steels; Proc. ASTM, 1950, p. 895.
3. L. V. Smirnov, E. N. Sokolkov, and V. D. Sadovskii: Effect of Plastic Deformation in the Austenitic State on Temper Brittleness of Structural Alloy Steels; Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1955, p. 609.
4. H. W. Paxton and C. C. Busby: Strain Aging of AISI 4340, Trans. AIME, 1956, p. 788.
5. E. J. Ripling: Toughening High-Strength Steel by Warm Working; Proc. ASTM, 1958, p. 943.