1. N. A. Kil'chevskii, ?Approximate methods of determining displacements in cylindrical shells,? in: Collection of Papers of the Institute of Mathematics [in Ukrainian], Vid. AN URSR, Kiev (1947).
2. N. A. Kil'chevskii, ?Integrodifferential equations of equilibrium of elastic shells,? Prikl. Matem i Mekh.,23, No. 1 (1959).
3. N. A. Kil'chevskii, Foundations of Analytical Mechanics of Shells [in Russian], Izd. AN USSR, Kiev (1963).
4. N. A. Kil'chevskii, Theory of Impact of Solids [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1969).
5. N. I. Remizova, ?On the development of the method of integral equations in applications to cylindrical shells,? Izv. Kievsk. Politekhn. In-ta,31 (1961).