1. C. G. Bragaw, Proceedings of the 6th Plastic Pipe Symposium, April 1978 (American Gas Association, Arlington, VA, 1978) p. 36.
2. C. S. Lee andM. M. Epstein,Polym. Eng. Sci. 22 (1982) 549.
3. M. K. V. Chan andJ. G. Williams,Polymer 24 (1983) 234.
4. S. Bandyopadhyay andH. R. Brown, International Conference on Materials 3, 1979 (Pergamon Press, New York, 1980).
5. N. Brown andS. K. Bhattacharya, Proceedings of the 8th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symp., New Orleans, 29 November?1 December 1983 (American Gas Association, Arlington, VA, 1983) p. 58.