1. C. Miranda,Formule di maggiorazione e teorema di esistenza per le funzioni biarmoniche di due variabli, Giorn. Mat. Battaglini78 (1948-49), 97–118.
2. L. E. Payne,A priori bounds in problems of steady subsonic flow, Inequalities (ed. by O. Shisha), Academic Press, 1967, pp. 241–254.
3. L. E. Payne and I. Stakgold,On the mean value of the fundamental mode in the fixed membrane problem, Appl. Analy.3 (1973), 295–303.
4. L. E. Payne and I. Stakgold,Nonlinear problems in nuclear reactor analysis, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics # 322 Springer Verlag, 1973.
5. L. E. Payne, R. P. Sperb and I. Stakgold,On Hopf type maximum principles for convex domains (to appear).