1. Abernathy, F.D., 1937a:The Life of Cambell Dickson, Abernathy (Frances Dickson) Papers, The University of Texas Archives, The Center for American History.
2. Abernathy, F.D., 1937b:The Life of Lucy Tracy Dickson, Abernathy (Frances Dickson) Papers, The University of Texas Archives, The Center for American History.
3. Albert, A.A., 1955: “Leonard Eugene Dickson, 1874-1954,”Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 61, 331–345.
4. Archibald, R.C., 1938:A Semicentennial His- tory of the American Mathematical Society, 1888-1938, American Mathematical Society, New York.
5. Birkhoff, G.D., 1977:Some Leaders in American Mathematics: 1891-1941, pp. 25–78 in The Bicentennial Tribute to American Mathematics, 1776-1976, Dalton Tarwater, editor. The Mathematical Association of America.