1. Ashley, H., Landahl, M.: Aerodynamics of wings and bodies. Readings: Addison-Wesley 1965.
2. Dragos, L.: Method of fundamental solutions. A novel theory of lifting surface in a subsonic flow. Arch. Mech.35, 579?590 (1983).
3. Hess, J. L., Smith, A. M. Q.: Calculation of nonlifting potential flow about arbitrary threedimensional bodies. J. Ship Res., September 1964.
4. Dragos, L., Dinu, A.: Application of the boundary element method to the thin airfoil theory. AIAA J. (to appear).
5. Dragos, L.: Boundary element methods in the theory of thin airfoils. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl.34, 523?531 (1989).