1. ABELMANN, S.; BÜNGER, T.; VIERTEL, H.; RÜHLE, H. (Bundesgesundheitsamt, Berlin (Germany). Inst. für Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene): Baseline data compilation on radioactivity levels in drinking water, ground water, waste water, sewage sludge, residues and wastes, accompanying the 1991 annual report on ‘Environmental radioactivity and radiation burden’. (German). Materialienband 1991 zur Radioaktivität in Trinkwasser, Grundwasser, Abwasser, Klärschlamm, Reststoffen und Abfällen zum Jahresbericht 1991 ‘Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlenbelastung’. ISBN 3-89254-181-7. 1993. 214 p. WaBoLu-Hefte. ISSN 0175-4211. WBLHEP. v. 6/1993. Available from FIZ Karlsruhe. (RN 26:005326).
2. AKOPOVA, A. B.; VIKTOROVA, N. V.; KRISHCHIAN, V. M.; MAGRADZE, N. V.; OVNANIAN, K. M.; TUMANIAN, K. I.; CHALABIAN, T. S. (Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst., Erevan (Armenia)): Development of an autoradiographic method of investigation of hot particles from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. (English).Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1993). ISSN 0969-8078. NTRMDS. (Jul 1993). v. 21(3) p. 323–328. [International workshop on solid state nuclear track detectors and their applications. Odessa (Ukraine). 5–11 Sep 1991. (RN 25:061134).
3. ANON. (Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK), Helsinki (Finland)): The radioactivity of construction materials, fuel peat and peat ash. (English). STUK/ST-GUIDE-12.2. ISBN 951-47-9010-3. 1994. 7 p. Translation. The original text in Finnish is published under same guide number. The guide is valid from 1.4.1993 and will remain in force until further notice. MF available from INIS. (RN 26:008156)
4. BADR, I. DURRANI, S. A. (Birmingham Univ. (United Kingdom). School of Physics and Space Res.): Analysis of human hair and lung samples from contaminated and non-contaminated regions of Belorussia using the solid state nuclear track detection techniques. (English).Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1993). ISSN 0969-8078. NTRMDS. (Jul 1993). v. 21(3) p. 333–336. [International workshop on solid state nuclear track detectors and their applications. Odessa (Ukraine). 5–11 Sep 1991]. (RN 25:061135).
5. BAJO, S.; KEIL, R. (Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI). Villingen (Switzerland)). Determination of90Sr in grass and soil. (English). PSI-94-14. Oct 1994. 52 p. MF available from INIS. (RN 25:071336).