1. Anderson, L.C.: A Monetarist View of Demand Management: The United States Experience. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Review53, 1971, 3–11.
2. Anderson, L.C., andK.M. Carlson: A Monetarist Model for Economic Stabilization. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Review52, 1970, 7–21.
3. Anderson, L.C., andJ.L. Jordan: Monetary and Fiscal Actions: A Test of Their Relative Importance in Economic Stabilization. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Review50, 1968, 11–24.
4. Aukrust, O.: Inflation in the Open Economy: A Norwegian Model. Worldwide Inflation: Theory and Recent Experience. Ed. by B. Krase and W.S. Salant. Washington 1977.
5. Blinder, A.: Analytical Foundations of Fiscal Policy. The Economics of Public Finance. Ed. by A.S. Blinder et al. Washington 1974, 3–115, especially 45–57.