1. Kramer, A., “Burnout—Contemporary Dilemma for the Jesuit Activist,”Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, Jan. 1978. In Gill, J.J., “Burnout a Growing Threat in Ministry,”Human Development, 1980,1, 2, p. 21.
2. Edelwich, J., and Brodsky, A.,Burnout: Stages of Disillusionment in the Helping Professions. New York, Human Sciences Press, 1980. In Gill,op. cit. Gill, J.J., “Burnout a Growing Threat in Ministry,”Human Development, 1980,1, 2, p. 21.
3. Gillop. cit., p. 22.
4. Epting, S.P., “Coping with Stress Through Peer Support,”Topics in Clinical Nursing, 1981,2, 4, p. 47.
5. Humowiecki, S.R., “A Physician's Reflections on the Stresses of Ministry,”Chicago Studies, 1979,18, 1, p. 33.