1. P. S. Rogers, J. Williamson andP. E. Johnson, UK Patent 1 462 035 (1974) and US Patent 3 901 716 (1975).
2. P. S. Rogers, J. Williamson, J. F. Bell andM. Campbell, in Proceedings of Contractors' Meetings, Brussels, May, June and October 1982, edited by H. Ehringer, G. Hoyaux and P. A. Pilavachi (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983) p. 156.
3. Idem, in Proceedings of International Seminar on Energy Conservation in Industry, Düsseldorf, February 1984 (VDI, Düsseldorf, 1984) p. 280.
4. C. B. Ponton, R. D. Rawlings andP. S. Rogers,Proc. Br. Ceram. Soc. 37 (1986) 229.
5. F. Förster,Z. Metallkde 29 (1937) 109.