1. Chambers v. Ideal Pure Milk Co., 245 S.W.2d 589 (1952).
2. Alpert, G. 1997. Police Pursuit: Policies and Training. National Institute of Justice, Research in Brief. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.
3. Alpert, G., Kenney, D., Dunham, R., and Smith, W. 2000. Police pursuits: What we know. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum.
4. Alpert. G.P., Kenney, D.J., Dunham, R.G.., Smith, W., and Cosgrove, M. 1996. Police pursuit and the use of force. Final report to the National Institute of Justice: Washington, DC.
5. Barton, G. 2013. Police chief credits new policy for drop in high-speed chases. Journal Sentinel (September 7, 2013).
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