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2. Barad, Karen 1998: Getting Real: Technoscientific Practices and the Materialisation of Reality. In: differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies. Heft 2/1998, S. 87–128
3. Barad, Karen 1999: Agential Realism. Feminist Interventions in Understanding Scientific Practices. In: Biagioli, Mario (Hrsg.): The Science Studies Reader. New York, London: Routledge, S. 1–11
4. Barad, Karen 2000: Reconceiving Scientific Literacy as Agential Literacy. Or Learning How to Intra-act Responsibility within the World. In: Reid, Roddey/Sharon Traweek (Hrsg.): Doing Science + Culture. How Cultural and Interdisziplinary Studies are Changing the Way we look at Science and Medicine. London, New York: Routledge, S. 221–258
5. Barad, Karen 2001: Performing Culture/Performing Nature: Using the Piezoelectric Crystal of Ultrasound Technologies as a Transducer Between Science Studies and Queer Theories. In: Lammer, Christina (Hrsg.): Digital Anatomies. Wien: Turia & Kant, S. 98–114