1. Bellah, R.N.: Apache Kinship Systems. Harvard Phi Beta Kappa Prize Essay for 1950. Cambridge, Mass. 1952.
2. Bellah, R.N.: Tokugawa Religion: The Values of Pre-Industrial Japan. Glencoe, Ill. 1957.
3. Bellah, R.N.: Religious Evolution. In: American Sociological Review 29, Nr. 3 (1964), S. 358–374.
4. Bellah, R.N.: Civil Religion in America. In: Daedalus 96, Nr. 1 (Winter) (1967), S. 1-21. Reprinted with commentary and rejoinder in: Cutler, D.R. (Hg.): The Religious Situation. Boston 1968: S. 388–393.
5. Bellah, R.N.: Beyond Beliefs: Essays on Religion in a Post-Traditional World. New York 1970.