1. Ariew, R.: 1984, ?The Duhem Thesis?, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 35, 313?25.
2. Copernicus, N.: 1949, De Revolutionibus orbium caelestium libri sex, I, 10, F. Zeller and C. Zeller (eds.), R. Oldenbourg, Munich, II, p. 26, II. 24?25.
3. Duhem, P.: 1954, The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory, Philip Wiener (trans.), Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. This translation is referred to as AS in this paper.
4. Duhem, P.: 1954, ?Physics of a Believer?, AS, pp. 273?311.
5. Duhem, P.: 1954, ?The Value of Physical Theory?, AS, pp. 312?35.