1. Yu L. Ivanov and Yu V. Vasilév, Sov. Tech. Phys. Letters9, 264 (1983).
2. A. A. Andronov et al., “Stimulated emission in the long-wavelength IR region from hot holes in Ge in crossed electric and magnetic fields.” Sov. Phys. JETP Lett.40, 804 (1984).
3. A. A. Andronov, “Submillimeter Wave Lasers in Semiconductors Using Hot Holes,” Academy of Sciences of USSR, Int. of App. Physics Gorky 1986. (This book contains over one hundred references on the p-Ge laser as of 1986.)
4. Special issue of Optical and Quantum Electronics25 (1993). (Current p-Ge laser work as of 1993.)
5. P. D. Coleman and C. Moe, “Laser Mechanisms and Processes in the p-Ge Far IR Laser,” Int. Jour. of Infrared and Millimeter Waves14, 903 (1993).