1. A. Carpinteri, inAnalytical and Experimental Fracture Mechanics, G.C. Sih and M. Mirabile (eds.), Sijthoff and Noordhoff (1981) 785?797.
2. Z.P. Bazant and L. Cedolin,Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) 105 (1979) 297?315.
3. Z.P. Bazant and L. Cedolin,Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) 106 (1980) 1287?1306.
4. P.E. Peterson, ?Crack Growth and Development of Fracture Zones in Plain Concrete and Similar Materials?, Report TVBM-1006, Lund Institute of Technology, Division of Building Materials (1981).
5. A. Carpinteri,Engineering Fracture Mechanics 16 (1982) 467?481.