1. Yu, P. L.,Cone Convexity, Cone Extreme Points and Nondominated Solutions in Decision Problems with Multiobjectives, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1974.
2. Yu, P. L.,Introduction to Domination Structures in Multicriteria Decision Problems, Selected Proceedings of the Seminar on Multicriteria Decision Making, Edited by J. L. Cochrane and M. Zeleny, University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina, 1973.
3. Freimer, M., andYu, P. L.,An Approach Toward Decision Problems with Multiobjectives, University of Rochester, CSS-72-03, 1972.
4. Yu, P. L.,Nondominated Investment Policies in Stock Markets (Including an Empirical Study), University of Rochester, Systems Analysis Program, F-7222, 1973.
5. Yu, P. L., andZeleny, M.,The Set of all Nondominated Solutions in the Linear Cases and a Multicriteria Simplex Method, University of Rochester, CSS-73-03, 1973.