1. H.H. Szu and H.J. Caulfield, “The Mutual Time-Frequency Content of Two Signals,” Proc. IEEE 72, No. 7, 902–908, July 1984.
2. R.A. Athale, J.N. Lee, E.L. Robinson, and H.H. Szu, “Acousto-Optic Processors for Real-Time Generation of Time-Frequency Representations,” Opt. Lett. 8, No. 3, 166–168, Mar. 1983.
3. H.H. Szu, “Two-Dimensional Optical Processing of One-Dimensional Acoustic Data,” Opt. Eng. 21, No. 5, 804–813, Sept.-Oct. 1982.
4. H.H. Szu and J.A. Blodgett, “Wigner Distribution and Ambiguity Function,” In: “Optics in Four Dimensions-1980,” edited by M.A. Machado and L.M. Narducci, Pub. by Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc. 65, No. 1, pp. 355-381, 1981.
5. H.H. Szu and J.A. Blodgett, “Image Processing for Acoustical Patterns,” In: “Workshop on Image Processing for Ocean Acoustics,” May 6–8, 1981, Woods Hole, Mass.