1. G. Boudol, Notes on Algebraic Calculi of Processes, in Logics and Models of Concurrent Systems (K. Apt, Ed.) NATO ASI Series F13, Springer-Verlag (1985) 261–303.
2. G. Boudol, I. Castellani, Concurrency and Communication, full version of this paper, in preparation (1986).
3. S. Brookes, W. C. Rounds, Behavioural Equivalence Relations Induced by Programming Logics, ICALP 83, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 154 (1983) 97–108.
4. I. Castellani, P. Franceschi, U. Montanari, Labelled Event Structures: a Model for Observable Concurrency, in Formal Description of Programming Concepts 2 (D. Bjørner, Ed.), North-Holland (1983) 383–400.
5. I. Castellani, M. Hennessy, Distributed Bisimulations, to be published (1985).