1. R. Barbuti, M. Bellia, G. Levi and M. Martelli, On the integration of logic programming and functional programming, Proc. 1984 Symp. on Logic Programming (IEEE Comp. Society Press, 1985), 160–166.
2. R. Barbuti, M. Bellia, G. Levi and M. Martelli, LEAF: A language which integrates logic, equations and functions, in Logic Programming: Functions, Relations and Equations, D. DeGroot and G. Lindstrom, Eds. (Prentice-Hall, 1986), 201–238.
3. M. Bellia, E. Giovannetti, G. Levi and C. Moiso, The relation between logic and functional languages, ESPRIT Project 415, First year report (1985).
4. M. Bellia and G. Levi, The relation between logic and functional languages: A survey, Journal of Logic Programming 3 (1986),217–236.
5. P.G. Bosco and E. Giovannetti, IDEAL: An Ideal DEductive Applicative Language, Proc. 1986 Symp. on Logic Programming (IEEE Comp. Society Press, 1986), 89–94.