1. Whytt, Robert, An essay on the vital and other involuntary motions of animals. Edinburgh. 1751 (2nd. Edition. 1763).
2. Derselbe, Whytt, Robert, The works of Robert Whytt, published by his son. Edinburgh 1768.
3. Müller, Johannes, Handbuch der Physiologie. Bd. I. 2. Ausgabe. Koblenz 1835.
4. Reid, John, An experimental investigation into the functions of the eighth pair of nerves, or the glosso-pharyngeal, pneumogastric and spinal accessory. Part 1. Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. No. 134. p. 109 January. 1838.
5. Derselbe, Reid, John, An experimental investigation into the functions of the eighth pair of nerves or the glosso-pharyngeal, pneumogastric and spinal accessory. Part 2. Edindurgh medical and surgical journal. April. 1839.