Water and production reflections on the water supply to urban workshops in roman times


Sánchez López Elena H.ORCID


AbstractResearch into water management in Roman towns has traditionally focused on its supply by means of aqueducts and its use in the thermal baths and domus of the elites. However, the urban functions of water included uses that went far beyond recreational, social activities and also included its supply to production facilities. Numerous artisanal activities required large amounts of water, including pottery, textile activities, wickerwork and manufacturing bone or metal instruments. All these activities are commonly identified in Roman towns. In each case, the workshops could have obtained water not only from wells and cisterns, but also through a connection to the urban supply network, thanks to an aqua publica concession. In this study, we compile both archaeological and textual evidence, including literary and legal texts, on the private use of aqua publica for productive activities in urban contexts.


Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Universidad de Granada


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Water Science and Technology,History,Geography, Planning and Development

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