1. Lars V. Ahlfors, Lectures on quasiconformal mappings, second ed., University Lecture Series, vol. 38, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, (2006), With supplemental chapters by C. J. Earle, I. Kra, M. Shishikura and J. H. Hubbard.
2. Enrico Arbarello, Maurizio Cornalba, and Phillip A. Griffiths, Geometry of algebraic curves. Volume II, Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences], vol. 268, Springer, Heidelberg, (2011), With a contribution by Joseph Daniel Harris.
3. D. Bartolucci and G. Tarantello, Liouville type equations with singular data and their applications to periodic multivortices for the electroweak theory, Comm. Math. Phys. (1)229 (2002), 3–47
4. Daniele Bartolucci, Francesca De Marchis, and Andrea Malchiodi, Supercritical conformal metrics on surfaces with conical singularities, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (24)(2011), 5625–5643
5. Melvyn S. Berger, Riemannian structures of prescribed Gaussian curvature for compact 2-manifolds, J. Differential Geometry
5 (1971), 325–332