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3. Carter, E. W., Brock, M. E., & Trainor, A. A. (2014). Transition assessment and planning for youth with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 47, 245–255. doi: 10.1177/0022466912456241 .
4. Carter, E. W., Ditchman, N., Sun, Y., Trainor, A. A., Swedeen, B., & Owens, L. (2010). Summer employment and community experiences of transition-age youth with severe disabilities. Exceptional Children, 76, 194–212. doi: 10.1177/001440291007600204 .
5. Carter, E. W., & Hughes, C. (2013). Teaching social skills and promoting supportive relationships. In P. Wehman (Ed.), Life beyond the classroom (5th ed., pp. 249–268). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.