1. Austin, W., An Examination of the First Six Books of Euclid's Elements 1781 (s. Lit. bei Heath 13B.).
2. Barrow, Is., Lectiones math. habitae in scholis publ. Acad. Cantabrigiensis. London 1684. Lect. III of 1666; Lect. IV of 1666.
3. Borelli, G., Euclides restitutus. Pisa 1658.
4. Camerer, J. G., Euclidis Elementorum libri sex priores graece et latine edidit Joannes Guilelmus Camerer Berolini 1824; Tom. I: Complecteus Libr. I–III; Tom. II: Complecteus Libr. IV–VI.
5. Camerer, J. G., Excursus ad Elementorum Lib. V et maxime ad Def. 5 et 7 (aus Bd. II von Lit. 4).