1. More recent reviews of the same subject are: Breit, G., Haracz, R. D.: High Energy Physics, Vol. I (Ed by E. H. S. Burhop.). New York: Academic Press 1967.
2. Breit, G.: The Potential Concept in Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions and Limitations of Existing Models, preprint from State University of New York at Buffalo.
3. Green, A. E. S., MacGregor, M. H., Wilson, R.: Rev. Mod. Phys. 39 498 (1967).
4. Systematic compilations of high energy pp scattering data can be found in: Kanada, H., et al.: Suppl. Prog. Theor. Phys. 41 and 42 (1967).
5. Alexander, G., et al.: Nucl. Phys. B5, 1 (1968), B 7, 282. (1968).