1. V. M. Glagolev, ?Propagation and absorption of ion hybrid waves in a weakly inhomogeneous plasma layer? [in Russian], Preprint Institut Atomnoi Energii (1970). See also: V. M. Glagolev, Plasma Physics,14, 301?314 (1972).
2. V. E. Golant and A. D. Piliya, Usp. Fiz. Nauk,104, No. 3 (1971).
3. V. F. Tarasenko et al., Zh. Tekh. Fiz.,42, No. 9, 1996 (1972).
4. I. A. Kovan et al., At. Energ.,25, 503 (1968).
5. V. M. Glagolev, N. A. Krivov, and Yu. V. Skozyrev, Proc. Fourth International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Magate [in Russian], Report CN-28/L-6. (1971).