1. E. E Slosson, Jour. Ind. & Eng. Chem., Jan., 1919, quoted by H. S. bailey, Chemists’ Section, theCotton Oil Press, May. 1920, p. 48.
2. To be published in detial later, theCotton Oil Press or Tech. paper. Burean of Standards.
3. To be published later in theCotton Oil Press.
4. Ann. der Phys. (4). Vol. 12, pp. 984–1003 (year 1903)
5. Leo Arons: Ann. der Phys. (4). Vol. 12. pp. 545–568 (year 1912), I. G. Priest: Proc. Soc. Cof. Prod. An., May, 1914.